7 มิ.ย. 2020 เวลา 12:18 • ปรัชญา
79. Do Good Deeds; Blame No One
和大怨,必有餘怨,安可以為善? 是以聖人執左契而不責于人。 有德司契,無德司徹。天道無親,恆與善人。
Trying to neutralize a wrong with another wrong will never work, because there is bound to be some wrong left over.
This is obviously not the way to find a true settlement over past wrongs. The Sage only sees to it that what is agreed on his part is carried out;
The virtuous one only enforces contracts.
He will not lay the blame on others The non-virtuous one imposes his
will.The Way of Heaven will not favor any one in particular, But it will favor those who do good deeds.