27 พ.ย. 2021 เวลา 13:12 • ครอบครัว & เด็ก
Life better if you know
"How do you know if you have a higher self?"
Welcome to self-Talk and Self-care Chanel
What is the lower self? and What is the higher self?
let's check it out
"LOWER SELF- Needs excess amounts of
substances to feel good"
"HIGHER SELF- Feels content without
excessive substances"
"LOWER SELF- Looks outwardly for
"HIGHER SELF- Feels validated from
LOWER SELF- Lives in the future or past
HIGHER SELF- Lives in the present
"LOWER SELF- Consumed by the opinions
of others"
"LOWER SELF- Consumed by the opinions
of others"
"HIGHER SELF- Is connected to intuition
and trust higher self"
"LOWER SELF- Feels good by proving
others wrong"
"HIGHER SELF- Looks to help show others
the way through love"
LOWER SELF- Finds bad in everything
HIGHER SELF- Finds good in everything
LOWER SELF- Compares to others
HIGHER SELF- Appreciates others
"LOWER SELF- Distracts self from healing
old wounds"
"HIGHER SELF- Digs deep and sits with
discomfort to release"
Until our small individuality throws off its limited and mistaken notions of who it thinks it is, it is natural for it to feel lost and empty in relation to its higher Self. However, as consciousness refines, ones’ locus of identity, or sense of “me,” shifts from the small ego self to the universal unbounded Self, or Atman. As that unfolds, you don’t have to try to be some ideal of spirituality of your higher Self, you just are. It’s not a function of will, aspiration or understanding—it’s is your true living breathing being. That state of enlightenment is the full awakening of the jiva to its real status as Atman.
So the living of the two while still in a physical body is not only possible, it is our birthright. This integrated state of being where one lives universality in individuality is even called jivatma in Sanskrit, or jivan mukti which means life in complete freedom which still in the body.
That it's for today, Have a good day, full of happiness, and enjoy learning. Let me know the result by comment below and if you know you wouldn't subscribe to my Chanel you can go YouTube by the link on the first line of this post. if you still reading the post and if you enjoy the content don't forget to like it. it very important to me to see and hear your reaction and see you in the next post... Bye.