9 ธ.ค. 2021 เวลา 05:40 • สุขภาพ
The Positive Effect of “Ju Hua Cha”
Chrysanthemums are not only pretty looking but also useful for medical usage. The first point is about their ability to relaxing the mind. It is well known as a tasty beverage and refreshed effect which is could improve and calm the state of mind for drinkers. Next outstanding result of drinking Chrysanthemum tea is relieving the symptoms in early stage. They can release wind-heat and reduce cold symptoms such as coughing, headaches and fever by their cooling effect. A third outcome of drinking Chrysanthemum tea is the fact that occasional heat from the liver and yin-nourishing can help to treat eyes disorder such as conjunctivitis. However, there are also have side effects on health, if you are not consume Chrysanthemum tea for properly.