20 มี.ค. 2020 เวลา 00:07 • ปรัชญา
"Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you’re insulting yourself "
This quote was said by Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft
I kind of agree to this quote, actually we all shouldn’t compare ourselves to anyone.
The definitions of success in any of us are different, we all have our own pace to make it to our goals.
Some people want to be happy in life.
Some people want to be rich.
Some people want to be successful.
Some people want nothing.
It's hard to say but I wonder if we don't compare ourself to someone, will we still feel motivated towards the goals?
Maybe another good way is to set the evaluations for each time you have done something.
Will rewards be attractive enough?
I also have heard that the one that we should beat is no one but ourself yesterday.
Whenever we wake up, we should think about how to make today greater than yesterday.
"today's going to be my productive day" I like to say this to myself.
There are most of the days I can do it and achieve some to do lists.
There are days that I can't. I'm not mad at myself and I don't beat myself up. Because as long as today's better than yesterday, for me everything is still acceptable.
Someone said to me that I am too flexible.
Well, that's what I want to do 😆
I enjoy it.
You see? He's comparing himself to me yet we're so different. We don't even have the same goals.
The standards he has, have nothing to do with me.
But To be honest I love the competitive environment 😂
it engages me more than being alone.
so I can't really say that which one is better.
what I know for sure is..
We all have the flows of our life, and they grow over time at our perfect timing.
I'm not finding evidence to support what Gates said,
maybe this time I agree with him and maybe next time I'll change my mind :)
so now For you, what do you think about it ?
Let me know ^^
PS. I feel a lot more comfortable using English and I can write better than when I write Thai. So from now on, I'll write more contents in English 😂😂
have a nice day 🍀🍀🍀
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