28 ต.ค. 2021 เวลา 05:00 • หนังสือ
π is turtle, isn’t it ?
🐢 is so pretty.
First of all, I want to tell you a little bit.
“My turtle Pancho will, my love, pick up my new mover, ginger, my movie monkey plays in a favorite bucket”
Read it over several times. Look away, and say it to yourself, visualizing turtle…Pancho…picking up… over and over until you memorized the sentence.
Hint: I have technique that can help you to visualizing. The tips is use sense, exaggeration, and energize!
Congratulations 🎊🎉🍾
You have just memorized the first 41 digits of π.
Usually, You might know π is an irrational number and usually approximated in school as 3.14 or 22/7.
If you wondering what is that mean. I will translate “My turtle Pancho will, my love, pick up my new mover, ginger, my movie monkey plays in a favorite bucket” to digits.
It’s like a decoding.
Decoding words to digits of π
This is “MNEMONIC”. It can help to memorize with out real mnemonic device. Only, creativity and Phonetic code.
// In fact, there are many techniques to use mnemonic, but my technique is base on “The secret of mental math” book.
To do this technique, you first need to memorize the phonetic code, each number between 0 and 9.
1 is the t or d sound.
2 is the n sound.
3 is the m sound.
4 is the r sound.
5 is the l sound.
6 is the j, ch, or sh sound.
7 is the k or g sound. (g sound is hard sound)
8 is the f or v sound.
9 is the p or b sound.
0 is the z or s sound.
If you wondering how to memorize these. Please, visualizing with me.
1 is t or d sound because it has just one downstroke.
2 is n sound because it has 2 downstroke.
3 is m sound because it has 3 downstroke.
4 is r because it ends in letter r.
5 is l sound because if you raise your hand shape with 4 fingers up and thumb as a 90-degree angle. You will see L shape.
6 is j sound because it looks sort of like a backward 6.
7 is k sound because if dawn two 7s by laying back to back it can be k.
8 is f because it almost looks like an 8.
9 is p or b because it looks like when backward p or upside-down b.
0 is z because 0 is begins with the letter z.
For example, 32 can be man, moon, and anything else. Try to not use complicated word like a minute because letter t can translate to 1.
Congratulations, now you can search each number of π from the internet, then make a story your own. Go to the stage, and show the audience that you can memorized the mathematical expression of π more than 100 digits, or may be 1,000 digits ! 😆
Conclusion, you must memorize the phonetic code, make the story and practice to translate words to digits till you can pronunciation as translate immediately.
If you think 41 digits of π is enough to show, you should can answer my first question on the beginning.
π is turtle, isn’t it ?
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Finally, this page is created because I want to improve my English skill so if you see my mistakes, you can feedback to me under the comment. 🙏😅