15 ธ.ค. 2021 เวลา 15:05 • ครอบครัว & เด็ก
What is the true definition of forgiveness?
What is forgiveness?
Is forgiveness a virtue?
What is the power of forgiveness?
Why must we forgive others?
Why forgiving yourself is important?
Is forgiveness a quality?
Is forgiveness earned or given?
Why is forgiveness difficult?
้how to show forgiveness?
What happens when you don't forgive?
why you should forgive others?
How to Forgive Others?
what happens if you forgive yourself?
""How To Forgive Yourself?
this VDO will give you all the answers.
What is the true definition of forgiveness?
Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness. ... Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, nor does it mean condoning or excusing offenses.
What is forgiveness? ... Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy, and compassion for the one who hurt you. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you or making up with the person who caused the harm. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.
Is forgiveness a virtue?
Forgiveness is considered one of the six cardinal virtues in Hindu Dharma. The theological basis for forgiveness in Hindu Dharma is that a person who does not forgive carries a baggage of memories of the wrong, of negative feelings, of anger, and unresolved emotions that affect their present as well as future.
What is the power of forgiveness?
Forgiveness means giving up the suffering of the past and being willing to forge ahead with far greater potential for inner freedom. Besides the reward of letting go of a painful past, there are powerful health benefits that go hand-in-hand with the practice of forgiveness.
Why must we forgive others?
In order to receive forgiveness for our sins, we need to forgive others. Forgiving others allows us to overcome feelings of anger, bitterness, or revenge. Forgiveness can heal spiritual wounds and bring the peace and love that only God can give.
Why forgiving yourself is important?
Research has shown that those who practice self-forgiveness have better mental and emotional well-being, more positive attitudes, and healthier relationships. A related outcome ties self-compassion with higher levels of success, productivity, focus, and concentration.
Is forgiveness a quality?
Forgiveness can be a gift to yourself or to others, it may be something you receive, but it can also be a quality that describes a relationship where one must be capable of self-forgiveness in order to forgive others. ... If hope gives you wings, forgiveness will often be what you will need to get off the ground.
Is forgiveness earned or given?
Under what circumstances should one forgive? For many, a key condition is that the person who perpetrated the hurt shows remorse. This means that they regret their words or actions, they appreciate the damage they have caused and they seek the forgiveness of those affected. ... Instead, forgiveness has to be earned.
Why is forgiveness difficult?
Forgiveness is difficult in part because evolution has endowed us with the psychological motivation to avoid being exploited by others, and one of the easiest ways to prevent exploitation is to hit back or simply avoid the exploiter.
how to show forgiveness?
1. Smile. You may not even have the words yet, but a smile is a start.
2. Send an email. If you are not ready to talk in person, send your forgiving thoughts via the internet. Express kind thoughts and make sure you don’t continue the fight.
3. Text it. A simple text may suffice. The words don’t have to be elaborate. A simple “It’s okay” or “I’m not mad” works and if all else fails send a nice emoji!
4. Say it with a song. Sometimes music says things just the right way. Play it, sing it, or share it with your offender.
5. Help out. Serving or doing something kind is a great way to show someone that you are not mad anymore.
6. Hug. So much forgiveness can be communicated in a simple hug and it’s beneficial for both of you.
7. Give a gift. It could be a small token, a flower, anything to show you still care about them.
8. Don’t remind them. A huge part of forgiving is letting go. Don’t bring it up. Don’t remind them all the time.
9. Don’t gossip. Showing forgiveness to someone also involves not spreading the bad news to everyone else. Gossiping about their behavior only keeps both of you from moving on.
10. Show gratitude. Focus on the things that you like about the person who has offended you and let them know by showing your thankfulness. By doing so, your forgiveness will shine through.
why you should forgive others?
""Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. Forgiveness is never easy. It doesn't mean that what they did was okay. It doesn't mean that the pain they planted in your heart was okay. It doesn't mean that
they got away with it. It just means that you decided to stop allowing their pain to affect you, anger you, or drag you down. Forgiving them means that you've accepted that their choice to hurt you is their burden to bear. Not yours. You did not make the choice to be hurt. And you did not deserve it. You should not carry their burden with you. Leave it behind you. Leave them behind you. And start walking towards your future.
How to Forgive Others?
Love and do good to the offender.
Don't speak poorly of the offender.
Release them from your punishment.
Don't celebrate their failures.
Treat them the way you want to be treated.
Stop dwelling on the past.
what happens if you forgive yourself?
Forgive yourself for what happened. For the mistakes you made. For your poor choices. For not showing up the way you needed to. For not being the person you wanted to be. You're human. You did the best you could at the moment given what you knew and what you had, and that's all you can ask of yourself. You're still learning. You're still finding your ur way.
And that takes time. You're allowed to give yourself that time. And you're allowed to show up in the world imperfectly. You're allowed to fail at things you tried hard for. You're allowed to realize you made the wrong decision. You're allowed to be someone who's still figuring out their path and their purpose. And you're allowed to forgive yourself. You can't go back and change the decisions s you've made, but you can choose what you do today. You can keep choosing, again and again. You can start over. And that's where your power is. In today. So no more beating yourself up. No more going over and over it again in your head and torturing yourself with the past. What happened,
and all the shame and self-hatred in the world won't undo that. Today, you're starting over. Today, you're moving forward with the new knowledge and experiences you have.
Today, you can be the person you want to be and live the life you want to live.
You're not a bad person.
You're not a disappointment or a failure. You're Just human.
You're still learning and growing and finding your way.
And It's okay. You'll be okay.""
""How To Forgive Yourself?
Five Not So Simple But Important Steps
1. You can make a choice to be engaged with the present, instead of the past.
2. You can learn to tolerate and accept the mistake.
3. You can make a choice to let go, not of the responsibility, but of the barrage of guilt and shame.
4. You can determine if there's some action that would be healing.
5. Know that you can grow and learn from your mistakes.""
What happens when you don't forgive?
The negative consequences of not forgiving have been documented in studies that show that it can lead to the emotional pain of anger, hate, hurt, resentment, bitterness, and so on and as a consequence can create health issues, affect relationships and stop us from experiencing the freedom that forgiveness enables."
That it's for today, Have a good day, full of happiness, and enjoy learning. Let me know the result by comment below and if you know you wouldn't subscribe to my Chanel you can go YouTube by the link on the first line of this post. if you still reading the post and if you enjoy the content don't forget to like it. it very important to me to see and hear your reaction and see you in the next post... Bye.