24 ธ.ค. 2021 เวลา 15:35 • ครอบครัว & เด็ก
self-care making us feel worse?
What happens when you practice self-care?
do you want to feel good about yourself?
how can self-care happen?
what is real self-care for you?
how do you really practice real self-care?
what are Some self-care guidelines to follow?
How long that you need to do self-care?
this VDO will give you all the answers.
"I can’t believe I didn’t make it to the gym this week. I am such a failure. I never follow through on anything.”
What happens when you practice self-care?
Self-care also helps us sharpen our mental and physical health through better self-esteem, stress management, and overall well-being. These behaviors help provide balance in an increasingly overstimulating world.
do you want to feel good about yourself?
We want to feel good and we want to care for ourselves.
Self-care has become another item on our to-do list, something we have to do in order to feel loved, worthy, healthy, or respected. Sometimes this item doesn’t get checked off, and then the shame cycle begins. “
We’ve been sold a lie that self-care comes in the tube of the latest lipstick or is at the bottom of a glass of wine. It has become exclusive, elusive, and so expensive. Self-care is officially a commodity and women are buying it off the shelves in order to prove that they care about themselves.
how can self-care happen?
Self-care happens in the decisions you make every day. It doesn’t always feel good at the moment, but it almost always leads to long-lasting change. We can’t just care for ourselves when things get bad and hope for a miracle. Real self-care requires practice, commitment, and introspection. It requires putting yourself first and getting in touch with what you really need, not just what you really want."
what is real self-care for you?
Real Self Care-Fueling your body with food that gives you energy and helps you improve mentally and physically.
Fake Self Care- Dieting
Real Self Care- Drinking water
Fake Self Care-Alcohol or drugs
Real Self Care-Being kind to yourself
Fake Self Care-Talking shit to yourself to "motivate" you
Real Self Care-Setting boundaries
Fake Self Care-Saying yes to everyone because you're a "nice person."
Real Self Care-Spending time with people that enrich your life
Fake Self Care-Socializing because of FOMO
Real Self Care-Treating yourself to something new because you love yourself.
Fake Self Care-Buying anything that promises to make you love yourself more.
Real Self Care-Moving your body because you can
Fake Self Care-Working out as punishment or attending a class that shames your eating habits/appearance.."
how do you really practice real self-care?
Get in touch with your feelings and actual needs. Most of us reach for all those fake self-care products as a way to cover up what we’re feeling. Reach for something that will help you experience your emotions. Calling a friend, moving your body, meditating, journaling, and going to therapy are all great ways to lean into a feeling rather than covering it up. Try to stay away from things that numb feelings like alcohol or drugs.
Practice kindness. No feeling is final, even the good ones. You can say some variation of this to yourself: “Ok I am having this feeling. That’s ok. I am allowed to have this feeling.
” You don’t react. You don’t judge.
Ask yourself, “What do I need at this moment?” Again, the keyword here is needed, not want. Really look at the feeling and identify it. Then ask yourself, “What has helped me with this before?” If you’re stuck, take a moment to breathe. I recommend making a list of all the coping skills you have available to you. Having a list of available resources helps eliminate that whole autopilot sensation that happens when we become flooded by emotion and are searching for comfort.
what are Some self-care guidelines to follow?
Drinking or using substances is not self-care. We cannot selectively numb emotions. If you numb the negative ones, you will numb the positive ones too. If you are really struggling with a particularly difficult or strong emotion, drugs won’t solve the problem. Sorry.
Self-care has to happen regularly, not just when you hit a breaking point.
Ask yourself what you need and respect that need.
Self-care is not a to-do list item. It is a necessary long-term survival skill.
There is no act of self-care that works for every person or every situation. The things I use change constantly."
How long that you need to do self-care?
"These tips are simple, but they have to be done continuously. If you wait until you’re at a breaking point, cleaning your room and petting your dog won’t work fast enough. This may lead you back to ineffective coping skills that provide you with quick, fleeting relief.
The first step towards real self-care is believing you deserve it. Every single day. Not as a treat, not as a reward, but just because you are a human that needs it to live and thrive."
That it's for today, Have a good day, full of happiness, and enjoy learning. Let me know the result by comment below and if you know you wouldn't subscribe to my Chanel you can go YouTube by the link on the first line of this post. if you still reading the post and if you enjoy the content don't forget to like it. it very important to me to see and hear your reaction and see you in the next post... Bye.