1 เม.ย. 2022 เวลา 18:47 • วิทยาศาสตร์ & เทคโนโลยี
Ghostly Entanglement
In 1935, Einstein, together with Boris Podolski and Nathan Rosen, published a famous polemical article in "Physical Review" in which he analyzed a hypothetical situation - possible from the point of view of quantum theory, but completely unacceptable to classical physics and common sense.
The easiest way to show it is to use the example of a pair of particles, e.g. photons, connected by an incomprehensible quantum bond, which physicists call the entangled state.
According to quantum mechanics, when making any measurement, e.g. the direction of polarization of a photon, we cannot be sure of the result. We only know what the chance of receiving one or another polarity is. It is different in the case of entangled photons. When we manage to measure the polarization of one of them, the measurement result becomes ... certain for the other photon in the pair.
We know its polarity without the use of any instruments, although just a moment ago "Grandmother was proposing for two" - the measurement could have given one value or another. This second photon somehow "knows" that we've checked its companion. And it doesn't matter how far away it is at the time of measurement. One may be on Earth and the other, for example, on the Moon, Mars or even further. The inconceivable bond connecting both photons works immediately, without any delay, at any distance, and without any material intermediary in the form of particles, waves or fields. Einstein called it the ghostly interaction at a distance.
In the 1980s, the French physicist Alain Aspect conducted experiments in which he proved that such a strange bond does exist. And recently it has ceased to be just a curiosity. Many applications have already been invented for entangled photons, including in teleportation, quantum communication and quantum computers.