30 มิ.ย. 2022 เวลา 07:21 • ความคิดเห็น
I believe that all readers here used to get through a hard time or get lost in life, and of course, it also helps you to understand more what were going on in your life.
It actually just happened to me this morning, I was going to write a topic about love because it is what I just learned from men POV. But WHERE DA FLUK IS MY FAV PENCIL!? I could not find it for 20 minutes, made me so upset and I lost all of my ideas instead of writing it down.
Fine, I will write with one of my eight pens I have. But before I start to write it, the wake and bake in the morning just got me and then I have two person were talking in my head.
“Hello Lilith, what a lovely day innit?(*British accent) not too hot but the sky is clearing enough for a bright, good day for a writing huh?” Me talking to myself “Why are you so freaking out? It is just a pencil” “Yeah, I know, but it is my favorite one and it makes me writes better” “Oh! So are you criticizing that pencil is making you writing better but not because of your thoughts?”
“You are about to write something but you don’t even adapt it with your life? Listen, what happened last night when you tried to kiss him but he didn’t even kiss you back, exactly! He still loves his ex, his heart is fully of her. Surely, he wants to move on and start his normal life again but if the more he is still focusing about how to forget her or he will not think about her, he will never get through it because we are a human, we love, we hurt, we destroy and we create.”
“The best healing is time, take your time, be patient and developing yourself are the key. Now go get your Thai-tea and chill” Guess what happens .. my favorite pencil is just right there next to me. I was screaming, “It comes in the right time!!!!!” Perfect timing! Now I will write my next topic, Love