7 มี.ค. 2023 เวลา 04:35 • ครอบครัว & เด็ก
+ How to Control Your Emotions: 9 Effective Self-Regulation Methods.
1. Don’t React – Respond
+ Reaction vs Response
- Reacting: Acting impulsively based on your emotions without thought or intention.
- Responding: Processing how you think or feel before responding before reacting to a situation or emotion.
2. Rid Yourself of Excess Cortisol
Try going on a walk, meditating, or switching up the task you are doing to distract you.
3. Self-Regulate With the 5-4-3-2-1 Method
STOP. Look around and identify:
Five different colors
Four different shapes
Three different textures
Two things made by humans
One representation of an animal or an actual animal
Then STOP, breathe and take a break.
4. Establish a Daily Routine
Routines allow us to center ourselves after an emotional upset or mitigate against one that has yet to come.
5. Go for a Mindful Walk
It allows you to clear your head and align your thoughts with your body as you step one foot in front of the other. As your mind settles, you can take control of your emotions with clarity.
6. Focus on the Positives
Next time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, try to replace it with something positive.
7. Take a Time Out and Breathe
If you are in a situation that creates intense emotions, take a timeout and focus on breathing – deep inhales followed by deeper exhales.
8. Monitor Your Mood
Start gaining control of your emotions by checking in on your mood.
You can do this by getting yourself a journal and keeping track of your moods.
9. Seek Out Professional Help
While self-regulation is a powerful tool, it might not be effective for everyone. If that’s the case, then seeking professional help is always a wise decision.