23 มี.ค. เวลา 07:36 • การตลาด
ลักษดูเศรษฐ์ โปรดัคชั่น Luxsaduset Production

What is Luxsaduset Production ?

Luxsaduset Production Is a team of experts in production services presentation video production motion graphic production Film editing television program production Television commercial production Animation production We also provide organizing services for setting up boot and holding various kinds of events.
With our team of professional experts We’re capable of answering the need of both private enterprise And governmental agency Who wants novel marketing tools And innovative marketing. That contributes to their organization’s good image. Answering all your needs in multimedia After all this time Luxsaduset Production Is constantly improving our expert’s capability and maintaining state of the art equipment.
To supply our customer’s demand Combining with 24/7 operation Nowadays, Luxsaduset Production Is a well known service provider amongst many leading brands of Thailand.
Please contact us 0823691915