16 มี.ค. 2023 เวลา 18:54 • ข่าวรอบโลก


20 มี.ค. 2566 | 25 year veteran of the FBI John DeSouza is exposing the truth of the UFO invasion
19 มี.ค.2566
นักวิทย์ฯ จีน: ขีปนาวุธเกาหลียิงถึงสหรัฐฯ ใน 33 นาที
North Korea fired a short-range ballistic missile toward the Sea of Japan as South Korean and US forces are conducting an 11-day joint military drill.
Think Outside the Box
Think Outside the Box
Wagner PMC urging Pornhub users to join the ‘coolest private army in the world’
Wagner Private Military Company has decided to think outside the box with its latest recruitment strategy, urging Pornhub users to join the ‘coolest private army in the world’ (although we think they might be a bit busy at the time of reading).
The ad features a woman licking a lollipop suggestively (presumably suggesting recruits will get free lollipops), and was spotted by Russian Telegram users, who were surely on the site purely for research purposes.
‘Don’t w***k off – go work for PMC Wagner’ continues the ad, in a charming display of subtlety.
Well, if you want to target men in search of something to do with their hands, we guess this is as good a place as any.
Cr.RT News
Going Dutch
No farms, no food.ชาวไร่ดัทช์พากันขับแทรกเตอร์ถือธงชาติกลับหัว ประท้วงนโยบายรัฐฯ ในบรัซเซลและกรุงเฮก
Far-right protesters tore down and burnt the EU flag outside the Georgian parliament as a response to earlier demonstrations in support of the country joining the EU.
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